Events at NDFA
2025 NDFA Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala
We are excited to announce the 2025 Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala! The Gala will be on Tuesday, May 13th at 7:30 pm at the Fargodome. Our keynote speaker for the event will be Dr. Ben Carson, with special music provided by The Craguns! We hope you can join us for this highly anticipated event!
About Dr. Ben Carson
Former US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development / Conservative Political Thought Leader / Renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon
Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D., is the Founder and Chairman of the American Cornerstone Institute, a new think tank / do tank whose mission is to promote the 4 founding principles which are cornerstones of our country: faith, liberty, community, and life as well as pursue common sense solutions that challenge conventional groupthink. He most recently served as the 17th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
For nearly 30 years, Secretary Carson served as Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center, a position he assumed when he was just 33 years old, becoming the youngest major division director in the hospital's history. In 1987, he successfully performed the first separation of craniopagus twins conjoined at the back of the head. He also performed the first fully successful separation of type-2 vertical craniopagus twins in 1997 in South Africa. Dr. Carson received dozens of honors and awards in recognition of his achievements including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. He is also a recipient of the Spingarn Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and has been awarded over 70 honorary doctorate degrees.
Dr. Carson authored eleven books, five of which he co-wrote with his wife Candy. The U.S. News Media Group and Harvard's Center for Public Leadership named him among "America's Best Leaders" in 2008. Dr. Carson and his wife co-founded the Carson Scholars Fund, which recognizes young people of all backgrounds for exceptional academic and humanitarian accomplishments. The Fund is currently operating in 50 states and the District of Columbia, and this year is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first awards ceremony. In honor of that, the organization has now awarded a total of more than 11,000 scholars, as well as more than $8 million in scholarships. Before the end of this year the Carson Scholars will have installed more than 270 Ben Carson Reading Rooms around the country. Carson was born in Detroit to a mother with a 3rd grade education and a father who was a bigamist. After finding out her husband had another family, she left him and raised Carson and his older brother on her own working multiple jobs to support their family. Secretary Carson was raised to love reading and education. He graduated from Yale University and earned his M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School. He and his wife are the proud parents of three adult sons and eight grandchildren.
About The Craguns
The gala will also feature music by The Craguns. The Craguns are a dynamic, family group, comprised of husband and wife, Jordan and Elena Cragun, Ray Cragun (Jordan’s Father), and Savannah Cragun (Jordan’s Sister).
Ray and Victoria Cragun were married on May 26, 1984, and shortly after saying I do, the couple entered full-time ministry together when they accepted the call to pastor. They served together in this capacity for 25 years.
Music was always a huge part of ministry for the family, as they would sing together during church services, revivals, and camp meetings. In 2013 God officially brought the Cragun family together again from different ministry positions, to embark on the musical journey of a lifetime! He started aligning all the pieces for the family to reunite in a powerful way, to do something they had always dreamed of doing... Touring together, in full-time Gospel Music.
Since then, The Craguns have quickly endeared themselves to national & international audiences, touring from coast to coast and different parts of the world.
Since officially releasing their first album in 2013, The Craguns have been honored to perform in some of the largest venues, radio stations, and television shows in gospel music... The National Quartet Convention (Main Stage), The Blue Gate Theater, Silver Dollar City, and Daystar Television, just to name a few.
We look forward to welcoming Dr. Carson to North Dakota, and hope you’ll make plans to join us at the 2025 Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala!
More events to be announced soon!
Can’t make it to an event? You can still participate by lending your support. You can click here to donate, or mail a check to:
North Dakota Family Alliance
1515 Burnt Boat Dr., Ste. C148
Bismarck, ND 58503
Past events
North Dakota's 2025 Annual Pro-Life Conference
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday. January 22nd, 2025, and join us at 9am at the Heritage Center in Bismarck as we celebrate North Dakota’s annual Right-To-Life Day! We’ll have life-affirming messages from several speakers, a delicious lunch, and fellowship as we give thanks for God’s precious gift of life! You can purchase tickets for $25 here. We’re excited to welcome Melissa Ohden as our keynote speaker this year. She is the Founder and Director of The Abortion Survivors Network, the only healing and advocacy organization for abortion survivors and their families. She will share her profound experiences as an abortion survivor. We’ll also hear from Dr. Patti Gliebink, MD, former abortionist turned pro-life advocate, Senator Janne Myrdal, Chair of the ND Legislative Pro-Life Caucus, Bridget Turbide, Executive Director of North Dakota Right To Life, Nadia Smetana, RN, BSN, Clinic Director at Dakota Hope Clinics, and Dr. David Tamisiea, Executive Director of North Dakota Catholic Conference. You won’t want to miss this impactful day!
2024 NDFALA Legislative Academy
The mission of our free one-and-a-half-day Legislative Academy on October 11 & 12, 2024 at Bismarck State College, National Energy Center of Excellence is to help our state legislators, integrate their faith and best practices into their political work. We are blessed to have an incredible keynote speaker, Dr. Mark David Hall from Regent University, who will present: Did America Have a Christian Founding?: Separating Modern Myth from Historical Truth. We are excited to offer one-on-one media training with Autumn Leva of Family Policy Alliance, to the first 10 legislators who sign up for Legislative Academy. It’s our pleasure to host legislators and their plus ones at the Northern Lights Atrium of the North Dakota Heritage Center for Friday’s 6pm dinner and a talk featuring Dr. Mark David Hall, Why Tolerate Religion? The Rise and Fall of Religious Liberty in America. To apply for the 2024 Legislative Academy, click here. After you fill out the application, please scan and send it to with your plus one for Friday's dinner included in the email.
2024 Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala
We enjoyed hosting the 2024 Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala! The Gala was held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 7pm at the Delta by Marriott Hotel in Fargo. Our keynote speaker for the event was Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council, with special music provided by Alivia Hoke!
About Tony Perkins
Tony Perkins is Family Research Council's fourth and longest-serving president, joining the organization in August of 2003. Described as a legislative pioneer by the national media, Tony has established himself as an innovative pro-life and pro-family policy and political leader since first being elected to office in 1996.
Recognized as the leading conservative and pro-life voice in the Louisiana Legislature, Tony was a tireless advocate for the family. He had a significant impact on Louisiana politics as a state representative and as a candidate for the United States Senate in 2002. While in the Legislature, he authored numerous other policy initiatives, including:
First state Covenant Marriage law in 1997
State Family Impact Statement, requiring state agencies to consider the impact of rules and regulations on families.
Comprehensive Abortion Clinic regulations
Genetic Nondiscrimination Act
Public School Internet Filtering requirement
Expansion of Louisiana Department of Corrections partnership with faith-based organizations to reduce recidivism rates.
During his tenure as FRC's president, Tony has substantially deepened the organization's influence on Capitol Hill. In May 2018, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appointed Tony to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), where he served as both Chair and Vice Chair. Tony has also expanded the organization's reach across the nation by building a major network of pastors and churches, encouraging them to impact the culture by thinking nationally, but acting locally.
Tony is an ordained minister and remains active in Christian ministries. He is a board member of Caring to Love Ministries, one of Louisiana's largest pregnancy resource centers. Tony is the immediate past president of the Council for National Policy.
An effective communicator, Tony is the host of a daily, nationally syndicated radio show, Washington Watch with Tony Perkins. He frequently appears as a guest on national news programs and talk shows and has been a guest speaker for organizations across the country. He is the author of No Fear: Real Stories of a Courageous New Generation Standing for Truth.
A veteran of the United States Marine Corps and a former police officer, Tony brings a unique perspective to the public policy process. In addition to domestic law enforcement, he oversaw the training of hundreds of international police officers as the general manager for a Washington, D.C.-based firm contracted by the U.S. Department of State to provide training and services in anti-terrorism.
Tony holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Liberty University, a Master of Public Administration degree from Louisiana State University, and was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Liberty University.
He and his wife Lawana have been married since 1986 and have five children.
About Alivia Hoke
Alivia Hoke is a recent graduate from the University of Jamestown where she earned her bachelor’s degree with a Major in Music Education and a Minor in Character in Leadership. Alivia is pursuing her passion for music and is teaching elementary music starting in the fall of 2024. In college, Alivia studied vocal performance and gave three recitals during her time at the University of Jamestown. She also participated and played lead roles in several of the University’s musical productions. Alivia is full of excitement for her future of sharing her love of music with others.
We look forward to welcoming Tony to North Dakota, and hope you’ll make plans to join us at the 2024 Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala!
2024 North Dakota Pro-Life Conference
Is the sanctity of life important to you and your family? Then we have just the event for you. Following NDFA’s incredibly successful 2023 ND Pro-Life conference, NDFA is excited to announce its 2024 ND Pro-Life Conference to be held on January 22, our state’s new official Right-To-Life Day!
Topics will cover everything from the current status of abortion across the nation and state, to the dramatic increase in chemical abortions, the situation with pro-life legal challenges in ND, and what you can do to stand for life in our state. The one-day conference will be held at the Heritage Center starting at 9 AM, and tickets are available via Eventbrite for $20 per person or by calling 701-355-6425 for group rates.
David Bereit, founder and former CEO of 40 Days for Life, will be our keynote speaker. Other speakers will include:
Jor-el Godsey, President of Heartbeat International
Drew Wrigley, North Dakota Attorney General
Jill Chandler, Executive Director of Relate Care Clinic
Personal testimony from a post-abortive mother
Join us on January 22 to gather, learn, and celebrate the sanctity of human life. You won’t want to miss the premier life conference planned for North Dakota in 2024!
2023 North Dakota Prayer Conference
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Russell Reid Auditorium at the North Dakota Heritage Center
2023 Faith, Family, and Freedom Dessert Gala with Governor Mike Huckabee
2022 North Dakota Conference on the Family
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1258 Broadway N, Fargo, ND 58102
Mark Mittelberg, bestselling author and nationally-known speaker on apologetics and biblical values, joined North Dakota Family Alliance for a conference on current events and issues impacting the family, including the Biden Administration’s assaults on religious liberty and economic integrity, the push to normalize LGBT agendas in our schools, the erosion of civics in our society, and more.
January 12, 2022: NDFA Pro-Life Conference
NDFA hosted the 1st Annual North Dakota Pro-Life Conference at the Heritage Center, on the campus of the State Capitol in Bismarck. We hosted speakers from across the state and nation to talk about the future of the pro-life movement ahead of the impending decision in the Dobbs case.
“Let’s Talk About It”
Are you frustrated by books at your local public library that are inappropriate for children, but yet are available for them to read and check out?
Have you tried to do something about it, but have run into a “brick wall” with your local library board and/or policymakers?
If so, come join us in Dickinson this Friday, January 13, for a state-wide discussion about this issue. We will have presentations that describe the problem in more detail, what approaches have not worked around our state, and potential approaches that have worked in other states which we might consider here in ND. We will also discuss bills that are currently being considered by the legislature to address the subject and how to support them as a citizen. It should be an informative and exciting night strategizing how to deal with this issue and protect our kids.
Speakers include:
Vicki Grafing, founder of Children’s Right to Innocence Project
Tom Tracy, former school superintendent and former Republican District 12 Chairman
Mark Jorritsma, Executive Director of ND Family Alliance
[note: NDFA is participating in this event, but a local Dickinson group is hosting]