Legislative Organizational Session Highlights

The halls of the Capitol are relatively quiet today, but earlier this week it was quite different. The first three days of this week, excitement permeated the Capitol as legislators gathered to prepare for the 2025 session. North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action was right there with them, on the ground doing prep work before session started. It was a bit like returning to school after a long summer. Old friends reconnected, new friendships began, seats and tasks were assigned, and a foundation was laid for the important work that officially begins in January. One thing was quite obvious – we are blessed to have many strong Christian legislators and many nonprofit allies who will stand with us on critical issues relating to faith, family, and freedom.

We had the opportunity this week to discuss some upcoming legislation and strategize with our allies. Several significant topics will be on the agenda for us including human trafficking, life, school choice, pornography, and protecting our God-given freedoms. We participated in a Pro-Life Caucus meeting and are extremely thankful for the passionate support for life that exists within our North Dakota government. We’ll continue to fight for those precious lives who don’t yet have a voice themselves! 
Finally, I’m happy to report that we plan to have three staff working as lobbyists at the Capitol and doing background research this session! With the addition of a third staff member, we can provide more support to legislators and increase our influence in defending your deeply held beliefs. Thank you for any financial support you may be able to contribute to underwrite our growing presence during the legislative session.
Please be in prayer for the upcoming session and our legislators. May we all glorify God in our legislative work, and always seek to do what is best for North Dakota.


Announcing North Dakota's 2025 Annual Pro-Life Conference!
