
Twice this past week I’ve been presented with the subject of courage. In one case it was a video about courage to stand up against government overreach; in the other it was a brief conversation about the courage to proclaim that we must build our lives on the foundation of Christ, despite what society wants. Both types of courage are fundamental to who we are as Christians and citizens. At this point you’re probably thinking, “OK, so courage is good. No argument there”. However, not all courage is created equal, and I want to talk about a type of courage that is exceedingly difficult: courage to stand against society.
As humans in a fallen world, our natural tendency is to move in the direction that society moves. We are all products of our culture and generation and clearly identify with certain aspects of society. We may be eying the next new car that rolls off the assembly line, which is a product of our collective societal desires. Perhaps we buy a new pair of jeans because they are more in fashion. Or maybe we listen to a certain song because it hit the top 20 list this week. None of these societal things are necessarily bad, but it suddenly changes when society opposes your deeply held beliefs.
As Christians, we are both in society and not part of it at the same time – a dichotomy that is often hard to reconcile. This means that we need to be able to function in society to influence it for Christ, and to a certain extent, allow some latitude if we find ourselves influenced by it, provided our values stay intact.
We may declare that we will have the courage to stand fast when our values are threatened, but will we? More importantly, will we even recognize the assault on our values for what it is? And where is that line in the sand we will defend at all costs?
If something directly challenges our values, it’s easy to identify and gives us a chance to exercise that courage. That’s still no guarantee of how courageous we will be. We all like to think of ourselves as a Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Christian in the Colosseum, or Daniel in the lion’s den, but most of us will never have to make those kinds of choices.
However, society can be a sly and dangerous thing, and often does not come at us with a full-frontal assault. Instead, it validates choices that conform to its values. It asks you to give a little on one of your values here, and then a little there. No big deal. But be careful, it knows how to wield a stick as deftly as it does a carrot. “Conform or be cast out”, as the song goes.
There are immense pressures on Christians these days through the media, entertainment industry, and perhaps most of all through our federal government. I do not overstate the situation to say that they seek to break down your faith, your values, and the foundation of this country.
Do we have the courage to stand against the tide of social relativism, or never kneel to those in charge who want to destroy our values? North Dakota Family Alliance will do everything we can to protect your deeply held beliefs, and we will always try to be courageous, but we can’t do it alone. We ask for your continued prayers, calls to action, and financial support to enable us to courageously fight for your values.
There is a lot on the line, folks, and the other side is not going to give up. Go ahead and buy those new jeans, get in your new car, and play the latest song on the radio. But know this, whether you are driving into the fight or away from it, is what makes all the difference.
Courage, then, is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty.  - Samuel Adams


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