Common FAQs about NDFA

I travel across our state and meet with constituents such as yourself whenever I have a chance. I love learning about you and your families, finding out your thoughts on policy issues, and providing information that you may need. In the course of my visits, I often get asked the same questions, so I thought I’d answer a few of those in this week’s email.

Q: What is the difference between North Dakota Family Alliance (NDFA) and North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action (NDFALA)?

A: Both organizations support the work we do and are under our “umbrella”, but given IRS guidelines, there are certain things NDFA cannot do, since it is a tax-exempt organization. NDFA can do advocacy, education, host conferences and rallies, get involved in critical issues in our state (e.g., Pledge of Allegiance by Fargo School Board) and so on, but it can’t really get involved in elections or do lobbying to any significant extent. As you might imagine, these are two really important things we undertake. As a result, we set up NDFALA which is classified as a 501(c)(4) by the IRS and is able to do this work.

Q: So should I donate to NDFA or NDFALA?

A: As described above, both organizations work on your behalf to integrate biblical principles into policy and defend your values here in ND. Right now, we need to prepare for the 2023 legislative session and make sure we have enough funds to keep us going during those months, working with the legislature on your behalf. As a result, donations to NDFALA are more urgent right now.

Q: What makes NDFA/NDFALA different than all the other organizations that defend our values and send me mail?

A: There are a few things that are unique to NDFA and our partner organization NDFALA.

  • We focus on North Dakota, and we typically get involved in national issues to the extent they influence our state. For donation requests that come in the mail, you can always tell it’s us by the buffalo logo (see above) or the words “North Dakota” somewhere on the donation return envelope address. Keep in mind that national organizations do important work as well, defending biblical values, so their presence is also of great importance. However, if you want to focus on laws and issues that directly affect North Dakota, NDFA and NDFALA have been created from the ground up to do precisely that.   

  • All NDFA’s and NDFALA’s Board of Directors members are right here in North Dakota. They were born and have lived in ND their whole lives, so they understand you and your values better than anyone.

  • We are the official family policy council for our state. This means that we, like state family policy councils in 41 other states, have been designated as the lead on pro-family and pro-life issues by the Family Policy Council Alliance that serves as an umbrella group across the US.

  • We are one of the most highly respected Christian policy organizations in North Dakota. Ask around – our reputation for making a real difference protecting your values is well known.

Q: Are there any job opportunities to work for NDFA or NDFALA?

A: Yes. We are planning to advertise for a paid internship with NDFALA shortly. Watch for more information via email and on our Facebook sites. In addition, we are always looking for volunteers, particularly to help with events.

Q: You used to have dessert galas each year, but have now stopped. Will you once again hold these?

A: Yes, we will. Banquets will once again be held now that we are independent, and we are planning a full banquet in June of 2023. We already have a top-tier speaker lined up and you will really enjoy hearing this person present!

Q: Where are you physically located?

A: In Bismarck, but we travel the entire state, meeting with individuals. If you are interested in meeting or having us speak to a group or your church, give us a call or send an email and we’ll see if something can be arranged.

Q: How long have you been in existence?

A: NDFA was formed over 35 years ago (1987). We were part of the national organization Family Policy Alliance from 2016 through 2021, but are now once again a fully independent North Dakota organization.

Q: Can I reach out and discuss or ask questions about particular policy subjects?

A: Absolutely. That is one of the primary reasons we exist – to help educate North Dakotans on government actions/policies and provide insights on how they can best ensure we stay a state where faith, family, and freedom honor God. Simply call (701) 355-6425 or email us at

Q: Aside from donating and voting, what else can we do to help you?

A: Pray! Prayer is powerful and we always need lots of it, particularly in the coming months.

In addition to these FAQs, I encourage you to check out the FAQs on our website for more information about us, and particularly to learn about and get involved in the political process here in ND.


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