BREAKING: SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade

Today is the day that we pro-lifers have been anticipating for 50 years. Finally, SCOTUS has reestablished justice and overturned the deeply flawed decision of Roe v. Wade with its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
By upholding Mississippi’s law, the court has rejected the false notion that a “right” to abortion exists in the Constitution, meaning states are now free to establish bans on abortion. Our efforts to protect the unborn are no longer hindered by a fallacious and evil ruling that invented a non-existent “right.” 
This is a monumental victory for the pro-life movement, and it should be celebrated. This is justice. North Dakotans have worked for this moment for decades. We should take time to thank God for answering our prayers and bringing an end to the legal nightmare that was Roe.
Now, in North Dakota abortion is almost completely eradicated! Our state has a primary trigger law, as do 12 other states. The law states says that if SCOTUS rules in such a way that our Attorney General determines “it is reasonably probable that this Act would be upheld as constitutional,” then the trigger law would go into effect and abortions would be illegal in North Dakota. It would make exceptions for protecting the life of the mother or if the pregnancy resulted from “sexual imposition, sexual abuse of a ward, or incest.”
In over 20 states, robust protection for the unborn is now in effect. In some states, abortion is banned entirely.
While this is a major victory, our work is far from done. The court has done its job, but it cannot do ours. We are simply entering a new phase of the fight for life. The “culture of death” that Roe fostered needs to be undone.
Abortion needs to be more than just illegal, but unthinkable. Only through intentional discipleship will we be able to transform hearts and minds so that life at every stage is protected for years to come.
We need to practice radical love and compassion toward expecting mothers who are in difficult situations. Churches and their members need to step up as never before and offer help and hope to abortion-vulnerable women and men. We can donate to crisis pregnancy centers, give directly to mothers in need, or simply walk with those that are hurting.
We must also speak the truth in love about the unborn and create a culture of deep care for all life. Debates surrounding this issue will become more intense, and we need to be equipped with the facts and prepared to defend the sanctity of life at all times.
Because of this decision, many on the left will engage in abhorrent acts of violence against us and SCOTUS, as they have already promised to do. We will face more persecution than ever before. Please pray for peace, stand firm in the truth, and remember that persecution can be a gift, if we allow our suffering to be united with Christ’s. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account,” says Matthew 5:11.
Please pray that God continues to guide and strengthen the pro-life movement as we enter a new phase of the battle.


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