And the Votes are in...

It’s over, the votes are in, and we North Dakotans have spoken. Before going into the results, just think about the fact that you voted. You had the opportunity to directly elect federal and state candidates to office, vote on important ballot measures, and make your voice heard on local issues. It’s a privilege that billions of people around the world do not have. We need to thank the Lord for the privilege to guide our country through this democratic process.

The Results

The following table summarizes results for candidates who were on the Nov. 8 ballot and who our sister organization, North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action (NDFALA), endorsed or publicly supported.

Election Results for Endorsed/Supported Candidates

Endorsed/Supported Candidate and OfficeResultJohn Hoeven, US Senator for North DakotaWONJason Dockter, Representative for District 7WONMatt Heilman, Representative for District 7WONCole Christensen, Representative for District 24WONDwight Kiefert, Representative for District 24WONKelby Timmons, Representative for District 26WONJeremy Olson, Representative for District 26WONKeith Boehm, Senator for District 33WONLarry Klemin, Representative for District 47WONMike Moschenbacher, Representative for District 47WONKathy Skroch, Representative for District 25LOST

As you can see, of the eleven candidates we endorsed or supported, ten won their races.That represents a 91% win rate!In addition, we came out against Measure 2 that would have legalized recreational marijuana, and that too was a win, with the measure going down to defeat.

In all these cases, thank you for making your voice heard.We didn’t get these legislators elected, you did.We simply did the research and made recommendations to help identify candidates with your values. Aside from these candidates, there were many other candidates elected to office who are God-fearing men and women and who will stand firm on their values, and we are very thankful for them as well.

The Future

As the legislative session begins, it will be all about integrating faith into public policy for these successful candidates. NDFA/NDFALA will continue to prepare for the 2023 legislative session. We already hosted two groundbreaking meetings to discuss legislation for this session: one with the major ND nonprofits that undertake policy work and the other with legislators.

There are going to be good and bad bills for families introduced into the legislature. We are committed to fight for your deeply held beliefs on all of these bills. We will pro-actively find sponsors in the legislature who will introduce and shepherd bills, and we will work with Senators and Representatives on both sides of the aisle to get the bills signed into law.

Your Role

As with the election, we will need your help accomplishing all this. You can help us in many ways.

  • Pray: We need your prayers to sustain our work and the work of legislators who will often come under attack for standing firm on biblical values.

  • Respond: If you are on our email list, you will receive important notifications concerning bills. When you see our action requests, please respond and contact your legislators. It only takes a few minutes and we promise to ask for this type of help on only most critical bills (no “crying wolf” on every bill). If you have friends who are unfamiliar with us but share your values, feel free to send them to our website to also sign up for emails.

  • Support our Work: Right now we particularly need your generous support to fund our activities during the legislative session. It is an enormous amount of work to analyze 1,000+ bills, identify those that most impact biblical values, strategize how best to act on each bill, coordinate with legislators, keep you notified on developments, and ask for your help on only
    the most critical bills (i.e., no “crying wolf” on every bill). Please prayerfully consider helping underwrite our work and support our legislative efforts on behalf of your values. This year, generous donors have pledged matching funds, so that donations up to $25,000 will be matched dollar-for-dollar from now until the end of this calendar year, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to “give twice”.

Thank you again for voting yesterday. This election was a shining example of how Christians in North Dakota can make a difference for pro-life and pro-family biblical values!


Caution: Ovens are Really Hot!


Get your sample ballot today!